How to handle your homemade hummingbird nectar

Homemade hummingbird nectar is easily made by boiling four parts water to one part sugar cane. You should then completely cool homemade hummingbird nectar before putting in feeder. Unused nectar may be stored for up to three weeks in the refrigerator.

During cool weather homemade hummingbird nectar placed in a feeder can last up to a week. When weather drops below freezing, a three part water to one part sugar nectar solution may be used to keep from freezing down to approximately 27 degrees Fahrenheit. Alternatively, feeders should be pulled in and stored in the refrigerator (or your garage) at night, and/or swapped during the day (with a feeder in the refrigerator).

During hotter weather, homemade hummingbird nectar will need to be replaced every 2-4 days. A five part water to one part sugar may be used to slow down the spoiling process for the nectar.

In order to keep the hummingbirds happy, feeders should be thoroughly cleaned with hot water each time the nectar is changed or re-filled. Once a month, a diluted bleach solution should be used to soak the feeder for an hour. Do not clean your feeders with soap or place in the dishwasher.

Why we use a commercial hummingbird nectar? If can use homemade hummingbird nectar.

I hope this homemade hummingbird nectar info can cheer up your yard with the singing of healthy hummingbirds.

homemade hummingbird nectar note :
Hummingbirds return to the feeder regularly throughout the day and depend on you for food. Check feeders often and fill regularly to maintain a constant food supply.

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