Oklahoma’s Hummingbirds

Oklahoma’s smallest birds are the only birds that can fly backward, forward, upside down and hover. They average 3.5 inches in length a weigh the equivalent of a penny. Their wing muscles are proportionally larger than another other bird species. They use them to beat their wings 70 times a second while hovering.

Hummingbirds belong to a group of birds called neotropical migrants. The state’s tiniest visitors fly 500 miles across the Gulf of Mexico two times each year as they travel between North America and Mexico/Central America.

Four species of hummingbird visit Oklahoma.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird: The most common and widespread in Oklahoma. This species nests in the state.

Black-chinned Hummingbird: Seen in the far western part of Oklahoma and known to nest there. The species is nesting in larger numbers over a larger portion of the state, however. It may also be seen statewide at feeders during fall migration.

Rufous Hummingbird: Occasionally sighted at feeders during fall migration.

Broad-tailed Hummingbird: Rare visitors to western Oklahoma. They are rarely sighted elsewhere in the state.

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